“Looking back, I ask myself, which decisions were right? Should I have recognized the evil regime of Hitler sooner? Could I have done something at all as 14-year-old boy?
Resisted the draft?
I would have surely been executed...
In retrospect, it’s always much easier to judge things with simplicity and clarity.”
Based on portions of his 224-page autobiography “Es Regnet Hakenkreuze,” Raining Swastikas tells the story of the Austrian Alfred Pietsch. Nicknamed "Freddy" and born 1925 in Vienna, Alfred celebrates his 90th birthday. A stream of memories flow freely as a lifetime of rich narratives follow, from his early childhood in dire poverty, his youth under Hitler, his captivity as POW at the end of WWII and the years spent rebuilding his beloved Austria from the ground up. Freddy's agile mind and colorful expressions revive a time often steeped in tragedy, but with such youthful vibrance, hope, and wisdom.
A Film By: Ethan Vincent
Executive Producer: Exile Productions, e.U.
Produced by: Ethan Vincent
Cinematography by: Benjamin Paya
Story: Alfred Pietsch, Ethan Vincent
Sound Recording: Eva Mittermüller
German, w/ English subtitles
Estimated completion: March 2018