THOUGHTS: LIFE, MUSIC AND THE IMPORTANT THINGS thoughtsEthan VincentJuly 28, 2018thoughts, insights, musicComment
ART: BEUYS, Art Rebellion and Protest in a Post-Post Modern World thoughtsEthan VincentJanuary 10, 2018protest, artsy, fluxus, rebellion, art, joseph beuysComment
TRAVEL: "UNDERNEATH" - Adventures in Photography thoughts, photography, travelEthan VincentAugust 3, 2017travel, photography, thoughts, philadelphia, writing, captureComment
MUSIC: MUSINGS ON LYRICS, NOW AND THEN - COCTEAU TWINS music, thoughtsEthan VincentMay 11, 2017music, cocteau twims, indie music, lyrics, thoughts, youth, evergreen bands, terry hall, the smiths, the cure, the jam, paul weller, style council, the specials, vinyl Comment
THOUGHTS: NEW BEGINNINGS - thoughtsEthan VincentApril 27, 2017New Beginnings, New Website, Promotion, GoalsComment
DOCUMENTARY PROJECT: Top Secret filmmaking, documentary filmEthan VincentApril 15, 2017lithuania, documentary, making of, true story, feature filmComment
THOUGHTS: MID-LIFE CRISIS - "The Many Sad Fates of Mr. Toledano" thoughtsEthan VincentMarch 9, 2017mid-life crisis, Phillip Toledano, Joshua Seftel, Op-Doc, documentary, New York Times, The Many Sad Fates of Mr. ToledanoComment
DOCUMENTARY PROJECT: AUSTRIAN CARNIVAL documentary film, filmmakingEthan VincentFebruary 24, 2017Austria, Austrian carnival, Fasching, passion, documentary, production, traditions Comments
REVIEW: "HOMO SAPIENS" - SPENDING TIME WITH AN IMAGE documentary film, reviewEthan VincentDecember 15, 2016homo sapiens, documentary film, nikolaus geyrhalter, premiere, gartenbaukino Comment